Write a JAVA program to display”Hello Java” 50 times using multithreading.

class mythread implements Runnable


     Thread t;

    public mythread(String title)


      t=new Thread(this,title);



    public void run()


     for(int i=0;i    {
     System.out.println((i+1)+"Thread Name:"+Thread.currentThread().getName());
    catch(Exception e)
    {  }

    public class slip18
     public static void main(String a[])
     System.out.println("Thread name:"+Thread.currentThread().getName());
    mythread mt=new mythread("Hello Java");
Write a JAVA program to display”Hello Java” 50 times using multithreading. Write a JAVA program to display”Hello Java” 50 times using multithreading. Reviewed by on April 27, 2015 Rating: 5
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