Write a java program to design a screen with two buttons “start thread” and “stop thread”. Clicking on start ,it should start printing”Thread running” until stop button is pressed.
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class slip19 extends Frame implements ActionListener,Runnable { Button start,stop; TextField tf; int x=0,y=0; String msg=""; Thread t1=new Thread(this); public slip19() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); start=new Button("start"); stop=new Button("stop"); add(start); add(stop); start.addActionListener(this); stop.addActionListener(this); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }} ); setSize(200,200); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { Button btn=(Button)ae.getSource(); if(btn==start) { t1.start(); } if(btn==stop) { t1.stop(); }} public void run() { try { while(true) { repaint(); Thread.sleep(350); }} catch(Exception e) {}} public void paint(Graphics g) { msg=msg+"thread running"; g.drawString(msg,10,y+=10); } public static void main(String args[]) { new slip19(); }}
Write a java program to design a screen with two buttons “start thread” and “stop thread”. Clicking on start ,it should start printing”Thread running” until stop button is pressed.
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April 27, 2015