import java.util.*; /* Class TowerOfHanoiUsingStacks */ public class TowerOfHanoiUsingStacks { public static int N; /* Creating Stack array */ public static Stack<Integer>[] tower = new Stack[4]; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; tower[1] = new Stack<Integer>(); tower[2] = new Stack<Integer>(); tower[3] = new Stack<Integer>(); /* Accepting number of disks */ System.out.println("Enter number of disks"); int num = scan.nextInt(); N = num; toh(num); } /* Function to push disks into stack */ public static void toh(int n) { for (int d = n; d > 0; d--) tower[1].push(d); display(); move(n, 1, 2, 3); } /* Recursive Function to move disks */ public static void move(int n, int a, int b, int c) { if (n > 0) { move(n-1, a, c, b); int d = tower[a].pop(); tower[c].push(d); display(); move(n-1, b, a, c); } } /* Function to display */ public static void display() { System.out.println(" A | B | C"); System.out.println("---------------"); for(int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String d1 = " ", d2 = " ", d3 = " "; try { d1 = String.valueOf(tower[1].get(i)); } catch (Exception e){ } try { d2 = String.valueOf(tower[2].get(i)); } catch(Exception e){ } try { d3 = String.valueOf(tower[3].get(i)); } catch (Exception e){ } System.out.println(" "+d1+" | "+d2+" | "+d3); } System.out.println("\n"); } }
Java Program to Solve Tower of Hanoi Problem using Stacks.
Reviewed by
December 22, 2019

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