conio.h in C Programming

conio.h in C Programming

conio.h is the the header file which is used by MS-Dos compilers to provide console input and output.This header declares several useful library functions for performing console input and output from a program. It contains various functions like clrscr, getch, gotoxy, textcolor, textbackground,wherex.

  • clrscr - It is used to clear the screen.
  • getch - Get char entry from the console but basically it is used to how the show the output screen to user until the user press any button.
  • getche - This prompts the user to press a character and that character is printed on the screen.
  • gotoxy - It is used to place the cursor at the desired location on the basis of x and y coordinates.
  • kbhit - It tells whether the user have pressed the key or not.
  • textcolor - Used to change the color of drawing text in compiler.
  • backgroundcolor- Used to change the current background color in text.
  • wherex- Used to return the current horizontal position of the cursor.
  • wherey - Used to return the current vertical position of the cursor.

conio.h in C Programming conio.h in C Programming Reviewed by on December 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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