Write a menu driven program in 'C' for the following: - calculating length of a given string and display the length. - copy one string into another string and display both the strings. - compare two strings and display the result. - concatenate two strings and display the resultant string. (By using standard functions)
#includevoid main() { char str1[80],str2[80]; int ch,temp; clrscr(); do { printf("\nPRESS 1. TO CLACULATE LENGTH OF STRING."); printf("\nPRESS 2. TO COPY ONE STRING INTO ANOTHER STRING."); printf("\nPRESS 3. TO COMPARE TWO STRING. "); printf("\nPRESS 4. TO CONCATENATE TWO STRING."); printf("\nPRESS 5. TO EXIT."); printf("\nENTER YOUR CHOICE ::>"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str1); printf("\nLENGTH OF STRING ::> %d",strlen(str1)); break; case 2: printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str1); printf("The Copied string ::>\n%s", strcpy(str2,str1)); break; case 3: printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str1); printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str2); temp = strcmp(str1,str2); if(temp == 0) { printf("\nBOTH STRINGS IS EQUAL."); } else { printf("\nBOTH STRINGS IS NOT EQUAL."); } break; case 4: printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str1); printf("\nENTER ANY STRING ::>\n"); scanf("%s",str2); strcat(str1,str2); printf("STRING AFTER CONCATENATION ::>\n%s",str1); break; case 5: exit(0); } }while(ch != 5); getch(); }
Write a menu driven program in 'C' for the following: - calculating length of a given string and display the length. - copy one string into another string and display both the strings. - compare two strings and display the result. - concatenate two strings and display the resultant string. (By using standard functions)
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April 24, 2015