Write a 'C' program to create student structure having field roll_no, stud_name, class. Pass this entire structure to function and display the structure elements.
#includestruct student { int roll_no; char stud_name[80]; char stud_class[80]; }; struct student s[100]; void display(struct student [],int); void main() { int n,i; clrscr(); printf("\nHOW MANY RECORDS U WANT ::> "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { printf("\nENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT%d::>\n",i + 1); scanf("%d%s%s",&s[i].roll_no,s[i].stud_name, &s[i].stud_class); } display(s,n); getch(); } void display(struct student s[], int n) { int i; printf("RECORD OF STUDENTS ::>\n"); for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { printf("\n%d\t%s\t%s",s[i].roll_no,s[i].stud_name, s[i].stud_class); } } /*OUTPUT:: HOW MANY RECORDS U WANT ::> 6 ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT1::> 101 Sachin FYBCA ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT2::> 111 Pawan SYBCA ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT3::> 595 Amey TYBCA ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT4::> 333 Dipesh FYBCS ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT5::> 654 Anshul SYBCS ENTER ROLL NO. NAME AND CLASS OF STUDENT6::> 781 Santosh TYBCS RECORD OF STUDENTS ::> 101 Sachin FYBCA 111 Pawan SYBCA 595 Amey TYBCA 333 Dipesh FYBCS 654 Anshul SYBCS 781 Santosh TYBCS */
Write a 'C' program to create student structure having field roll_no, stud_name, class. Pass this entire structure to function and display the structure elements.
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April 24, 2015